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Shattering Expectations!

A Letter From Try Love Coach Kevin Skeens

The Kids Coming From Casa Hogar Los Angelitos (CHLA) Rock It…EVERY DAY!

The children of CHLA have touched each and every one of us in a very special way. The way that each one of us responds to seeing them perform, achieve and love is unique and you never know how the smallest things might make a profound difference in someone's life. But there is one thing that is common for all of us and that is the special positive energy that radiates from this Children's Home in Manzanillo Mexico.

But did you know the daily habits that the children of CHLA use to help them heal and thrive fit into a system that is being taught to high school and college age students in the US and beyond? I have been coming to this Casa Hogar for 22 years while leading service learning trips for high school and college students. After observing and basically studying CHLA I discovered the secret sauce to the success that we all see and admire. We call it the Shatter Expectations Formula!

The Success Is Not By Accident!

This formula for living a successful life was born straight out of CHLA and is the brainchild of Nancy Nystrom, our founder. Additionally, Dr. Guiber and Emily have played a major role in shaping the programming the children go through as they heal and learn the life skills to succeed. The children at the Casa Hogar have rituals and routines in their lives that gives them the confidence, courage and dignity to break the chains of abuse, neglect and abandonment.

What Are They Doing Behind The Walls?

This formula works for anyone who wants to achieve goals and shatter the expectations put on them as to what they can achieve in life. Crushing goals is just one part of what the Children do as a result of their training at CHLA. The second part of the shatter expectations formula is the ability to shatter the shells of shame, fear, doubt and low self esteem that everyone struggles with in their own unique way at some point.

This formula works in all areas, sports, expressive arts, academia, business and sales! Really, any arena where someone wants to achieve more and be their personal best the formula can help them do it! It may sound like we're heading down the “drink kool-aid road!”

But in all seriousness, this formula works because it taps into changing the chemicals in the brain which some people like to call neuroplasticity. Dr. Amen, who is a psychiatrist and brain disorder expert, has done brain scans on thousands of people over many years. One big thing he has discovered is the brain's ability to grow and change especially in areas that result in low development from abuse and trauma. Gray matter can turn into highly functioning parts of the brain once the person is exposed to the right kind of healing and brain work.

Sharing The Story

I am now living in Florida and starting my 11th year of teaching this formula to anyone that will listen! Combining the content with the stories of the kids we all know and love from Casa Hogar makes a huge impact on any audience. I am working with athletes from the college level to middle school. I have had the privilege of talking to small business, 2 large universities. I was lucky to have shared the Shatter Expectations leadership training with the leaders of Up With People, which is a performing arts group that is composed of youth from all over the globe!

My team wants to reach more people and help to transform even more lives! Please stay tuned as we will soon share information on how you can help this movement of Humans helping other humans to thrive!

Kevin Skeens

Shatter Expectations Development

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